For Schools
Imagine Theatre programming is created for kids in grades K through 5.
Student matinee tickets cost $10 per student/educator.
Imagine Theatre creates original work that is developmentally appropriate for its young audience and boldly inclusive of the community it proudly serves. Our plays are inspired by folklore and tales derived from the diverse cultural fabric that makes Los Angeles the unique and wonderful county that it is. All our stories spotlight female heroes as the main protagonists to inspire girls to aspire and teach boys about the value of parity in society. All through the majesty and magic that only live theatre can create.
- Our productions are between 55 and 65 minutes long and are followed by a 15-minute Q&A with the cast.
- Educational packets that cover play themes, geography, videos from the creative team, and curriculum ties are sent to educators at least 2 weeks prior to the field trip date.
- Visiting schools are given priority for entering participants in the Women Lead mentorship program (if active at time of production).
- Imagine Theatre student matinees are open to public and private schools.
- Homeschool pods of at least 10 students/educators are also welcome.
A Trip to the Live Theatre
Details for Next Field Trip

Next up is the Imagine Theatre production of The Girl Who Made the Milky Way in November of 2024 presented by The Colony Theatre.
Field trip packets were mailed at the end of March. If you did not receive a packet, email us at to receive one.
Tuesday, November 12th at 10AM
Wednesday, November 13th at 10AM
Thursday, November 14th at 10AM
Friday, November 15th at 10AM
Tuesday, November 19th at 10AM
Wednesday, November 20th at 9AM
Wednesday, November 20th at 12:00PM
Thursday, November 21st at 10AM
Friday, November 22nd at 10AM
Trip Policies
All payments are due upon arrival at the theatre, unless your school requires POs. We accept cash and checks (made out to Imagine Theatre). Credit Card purchases may be possible with prior arrangements and are subject to a fee.
Visits must be cancelled at least 15 calendar days prior to the opening day of the production. Tickets are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged once this deadline passes. Schools that cancel or miss a scheduled performance after the cancellation deadline will be responsible for the full payment of their planned visit.
If a student who planned to attend the field trip is out sick, Imagine Theatre will gift this child and their parent complimentary tickets to one of our public performances of the missed production (if performances are available).
Schools are seated in order of arrival.
The Benefits of Arts Field Trips
Studies show that multiple arts field trips and arts experiences improve not only social skills and emotional intelligence, but also improve test scores. We invite you to review data published by the University of Arkansas’ National Endowment for the Arts Research Lab. Another review worthy of your time is the ERm Research Study on the impact created by attendance of theatre in childhood.